Dusty, dingy, and dull. No, that's not how your house looks right now. We're talking skin here. Winter skin, ravaged and ruined by frigid outdoor winds and below-Sahara humidity levels. "They" tell us that sunshine and warmth is just around the corner, but there's no way you and your friends can expose your scaly selves without some help.
Well, you can forget pricey spa salt scrubs. Reach for this Jojoba oil instead. It may look like an oil slick, but this golden liquid is more like wax, sealing and protecting that crabby skin from the elements, imparting moisture, but not causing dreaded breakouts (now that really would be adding insult to injury, wouldn't it?).
Put it in baths, slather it on after, remove makeup with it, pat it on your face. Jojoba really does the trick. And, at under 20 bucks a bottle, it's easy to distribute to your friends. Order it online at www.drugstore.com.
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