So, here's a little treat straight from the Big Island of Hawaii. You know how you go to Hawaii and always end up getting some sort of mac nut treat? And how it usually involves a can or some cardboard box, emblazoned with the brand "Mauna Loa?" And how, while they're good, the treats usually aren't that great? Well, these "Donkey Balls," made on the Big Island by hand, are a much better mac nut candy. Yes, they all have funny, dirty names. Personally, I like the "Salty Balls" (chocolate covered mac nuts rolled in Hawaiian sea salt) and the "Flaky Balls" (ditto, but with toasted coconut instead of salt). The secret is the Guittard chocolate, very high quality, a lot of it, and the fatty nut in the middle. One ball will usually suffice, which is way better than consuming a whole bunch of Mauna Loa lumps.
I saw a lot of grumping on Yelp about the cost of these balls, which at about twelve bucks a bag is admittedly not cheap. On the other hand, it's a pretty high quality product. Plus, the main Kona store has this great cat named Mr. Butters, and you've just got to support an establishment like that. Buy the balls for your friends and enemies. At the Donkey Ball Store.
They sound fabulous. Inspired by Schweddy Balls?
You're hilarious! We DID miss your posts:) I love Hawaii!
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