Perhaps this isn't quite true: one cannot display one's entire life on a pedestal. But meaningful knickknacks, curios and memorabilia need a place for display, for reasons both sentimental and boastful.
So, for the little squirrel like collector, these little pedestals are ideal. They are limited edition items, found only at the fabulous Brooklyn design mecca, The Future Perfect. Although they have an old-fashioned shape, they're composed of that far higher tech material, Corian (yes, you can probably find one to match your collector's countertops). I can see vintage salt and pepper shakers, bobbleheads, found objects, and even animal skulls displayed with style and panache atop them. Or, they can forgo their life history and interests and just display mini-cupcakes (red velvet ones would look particularly smashing). How about an entire pedestal of origami animals, in a Blade Runner-esque homage?
Choose the pedestal for the collector at www.thefutureperfect.com. It's an easy way to display a little imagination.
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