Scents are tricky. They're so individual, so subjective, that I rarely recommend one. But this one is so evocative of a heady summer party, a humid bash, a last call at the favorite bar, I just had to talk about it.
The cult perfume company Etat Libre d'Orange (hardly available anywhere) makes a scent called Jasmine et Cigarettes. Ok, yeah, I know what you're thinking: who wants to smell like cigarettes? Don't worry. This perfume smells as if you walked through the outdoor smoking section of a party that was planted with night-blooming jasmine everywhere. Mostly it's the flowers, with a hit of smoke and, oddly, musk (which normally I hate, so trust me: this is really good). It's the sexy smell of a great night out, honestly spent in the pursuit of hedonistic good times. And, given what most ordinary lives are like, Jasmine et Cigarettes is as close to this last call fantasy as most are ever going to get.
Order this for the former party girl or the frustrated mommy in your life. It's a high quality perfume, but it's priced right at sixty-nine bucks. Find it only at www.luckyscent.com. And then, take a deep breath and drink in the memories.
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