Sound lazy? Yeah, well, maybe. Toad has knife skills, but herb chopping is, frankly, a drag. Half the stuff sticks to the cutting board or ends up destroyed by my madly hacking blade. I'm always forgetting to chop them until the last minute, so I do a half-assed job, anyway. Although many would view this Microplane Herb Mill as a silly kitchen unitasker, I beg to differ. Just shove herbs of your choice into the mill, close and twist the top like a pepper mill, and out comes perfectly chopped, not bruised and wounded, herby goodness. Plus, it's made by Microplane, a brand that understands choppage and grateage for sure.
This would make an ideal housewarming or hostess gift. It's just $25 for an item friends and family might actually use and appreciate. Find it at Sur La Table.
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