Friday, November 18, 2011

Some Really Good Eggs

Molds pre-egg
Sometimes you need a really fantastic gift, and sometimes it just comes down to making really good eggs. This is particularly true when trying to feed children, who are often fussy and superficial about their food.

These Japanese egg molds, designed for use in Bento Boxes (the highly superior Japanese version of the lunchbox) deliver both nutrition and fun. Simple hard boil some eggs, peel while still very warm, and close up inside these molds. Put the molds into the fridge overnight, and voila, your egg has been transformed into something fun, like a fish, or a truck, or a bunny, or even Hello Kitty. It makes high protein extra special fun. And, it should satisfy the pickiest of eaters, both young and old.
Egg as Truck

At a super cheap $4 per pair, these molds are a total bargain. Buy a bunch and give them to your favorite mother of toddlers. She'll thank you when snack time becomes blissful. At Amazon.


Christina Simon said...

These are so cool! Kids would go crazy for them!

Bethany said...

great idea, love it!